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A New System of Tax Management

On April 27th, 2018 the Undersecretary of State of Taxation issued Resolution N°129/19 by which "provides implementation and start-up of the new tax management system" Marangatú 2.0 "and administrative measures are given for this effect.  From May 29th to June 5th, the Undersecretary of State of Taxation (UST) will not be able to respond to  taxpayers, to be able to carry out  work of migration to the new System Marangatu 2.0 STO will be given in the framework of the implementation of its Plan of integral renovation of the technological capacities of management, and of the quality of the computer services to the taxpayer, coincident with the beginning of the last stage of data migration and final adjustments to the new tax management System Marangatu 2.0, which will be active in  June 6th, replacing the old system of the year 2006. This resolution also resolved to transfer the expiration dates for the presentation of the  affidavits of the TIN(Tax identification number)with terminations 0 to 4 and of the informative statements of the TIN with terminations 0 to 6, as well as for the payment of the Tax obligations, according to the timetable set out in article 6th of the same.  In order to avoid as far as possible the difficulties and obstacles that this operation may cause to the taxpayers and professionals, the SET has issued General resolution N ° 129/18 that can be consulted on the website, normative section /Resoluciones/2018.

Approve resolution prohibiting unauthorized advertising by mobile phone holders

Secretary of Defense of the consumer and user (SEDECO) approves a resolution prohibiting advertising not authorized by mobile phone holders. On March 7th, 2018, The SEDECO issued the  resolution No. 80 banning advertising not authorized by mobile phone holders. To do this, the user must enter the Web site and register his phone number to stop receiving messages and advertising calls on his mobilel of any type of products. This registration has no cost. From registration the telephony has 30 days to comply with the regulations and consequently, not send messages or make commercial or advertising calls without the express permission of the user. In case of non-compliance, the telephony would be exposed to administrative summaries and fines.

Regulations for purchasing a Consumers loan portfolio 

Regulations for purchasing a Consumers loan portfolio by intercreditor agents to  individual  and and legal entities  not supervised by t Central Bank of Paraguay

On March 3rd, 2018, Central Bank of Paraguay (BCP) approved the regulations for the purchase of consumer loan portfolios by intercreditor agents to unsupervised individual and legal entities  authorizes the Bank Superintendency to issue  the guidelines related to risk management. ,  accounting scheme, contractual relationship and  control and information regime they deem necessary.

Discontinuance of bearer shares

On October 5th, 2017, Law n º 5,895, which establishes "rules of transparency in the regime of companies constituted by shares", entered into force. This law abolishes the possibility of carrying bearer shares. It is a major change in the legislation of Paraguay, because it targets to increase the controls on the final beneficiary and the control of legal persons.

Issuance of shares without par value

On July 27th, 2017, the law N° 5810/17 of "Securities market” came into force. The aforementioned law introduced some changes affecting listed companies. One of them is that the stock exchange will be able to take sharecustody, and that the negotiations can be done electronically. Indeed they are a very important step for the country because it makes it easier for shares to be placed at the moment with their real value taking into account among other things, their profit and market value.

nuevo sistema de gestión tributaria
resolución que prohibe lapublicidad
reglamento de cartera de créditos de consumo
eliminación acciones al portador


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