Advice the company in the soft landing of its venture in Paraguay.
The renowned construction company ROVIAL (Rosario) carried out a successful soft landing of its venture in Paraguay, winning several private and public works contracts in consortium with local companies in a very short time.
Our Firm advised and assisted the company in the soft landing of its venture in Paraguay.

Monte Alegre S.A.
Lawsuit against ANNPP
Monte Alegre S.A. won an important lawsuit against the ANNP.
Monte Alegre S.A. obtained a favorable verdict in a leading case against the ANNP for a claim on merchandise warehousing that was negligently administered by the ANNP.
The Firm represented Monte Alegre S.A. in the lawsuit.

Rosental Investment Group
Successfully land in Paraguay
The international capital conglomerate ROSENTAL Inversiones, based in Argentina, carried out a successful soft landing of its venture in Paraguay, aiming to expand its area of influence in the region. The company includes capital market and real estate development among its services and products.
Our Firm advised and assisted the company in its soft landing for its venture in Paraguay.

Credicentro S.A.E.C.A., LCR S.A.E.C.A. and PASFIN S.A.E.C.A. have successfully culminated an unprecedented merger process, in which Credicentro absorbed PASFIN and LCR with the aim of providing relevant solutions for its clients and to become an important factor in the economic development of Paraguay.
Our Firm provided specialized advice to LCR and PASFIN in the merger process.

MCI Servicios Médicos S.A.
The health care insurance company MCI Servicios Médicos S.A., whose strategic partners are DIAZ GILL Medicina Laboratorial S.A. and Meyer Lab S.A., acquired the majority of the voting shares of the company Med-Ital S.A., thus taking control of it, aiming to a future merger.
Our Firm provided advice to MCI Servicios Médicos S.A. in the acquisition process.

Sugar Mill OTISA
A local business group has acquired sufficient shares to take control and dominant position of the sugar mill OTISA, a pioneer in the production and commercialization of organic sugar for the international market.
Our Firm led the acquisition process.

Shipyard S.A
Purchase of a Wärtsilä 6,000 HP engine
We have represented Shipyard S.A. in the acquisition of a 6,000 HP engine from the Finnish manufacturer “Wärtsilä " for the construction of the first fully designed and manufactured tugboat in Paraguay.

Dominica building
After more than three years of struggles and administrative resistance Constructora Blok S. R. L was finally able to continue the construction of the "Dominica Building" and other BLOK Ingeniería buildings.

Terminal Occidental S.A
Habilitation of Industrial Park and its regulation.
We have represented Terminal Occidental S.A. in the legal authorization procedure of the "Del Chaco" industrial Park before the Ministry of Industry and Commerce.

Yerutí S.R.L
Transformation of Yeruti LLC. to Naviera Yeruti S.A.
Yeruti Limited Liability Company went through the process of transforming its original form from “Limited liability company “toe "Naviera Yeruti Anonymous Society ". Our Board has been part of the change process .

Modification of statutes and adaptation of internal regulations of said Center
We have provided legal advice to the "Centro Azucarero Paraguayo" (CAAP) in the adjustment and change of their bylaws in compliance with tax and trade union laws.

Rural Association of Paraguay
Implementation of the software system for Zootechnical records and implementation of traceability of Paraguay.
We have represented the "Rural Association of Paraguay” in its acquisition and implementation of custom software to administer the entire genetic lineage of cattle in Paraguay. Also, we have worked with the entity in the implementation of a system of traceability of Paraguay in the acquisition and implementation of customized software to manage the system of traceability for Paraguayan cattle, a vital program managed jointly with the Animal Health Service (SENACSA) for export of cattle to premium markets.